Roy is crawling about the place faster and faster each day. He is the most contented little baby. Sleeps 11 hours overnight, is easy to get to sleep for a morning nap, and if he misses his afternoon nap which he is less keen on, he just plays the day away testing each toy in his way. He'll eat whatever you put in front of him, and is getting very good with his own cup now. He is not the slightest bit interested in holding his own bottle though, and he just reclines back like a little baby expecting to be served. I know he enjoys the 1-1 attention, and I quite like it too, so I am happy to indulge him.
His hearing is rather bad. He's got very bad glue-ear, and is only hearing loud sounds - it is apparently worse than most kids with glue-ear. We had to see an ENT last week after he failed his hearing test a month ago. Just have to get him checked out again in 2 months time, and then we'll reassess. With his sister's lack of speech at the age of 3, last thing we want is Roy's speech delayed because of poor hearing. The ENT was talking of grommets, but we shall see.