Roy has full-blown tonsilitis and an ear infection. He has had it for 5 days, but I think it is over its worst. He's been on antibiotics for 4 days, so it has probably kicked in. He has not been up to much except having lots of cuddles and an extra nap during the day while he fights the bug.
When he is 100% he is now very close to walking, but it may be a month off still. Hard to tell at this stage. He has great laughs with his sister, and they have giggles/cackles over dinner or lunch in their own little pre-school wonder-world.
Unfortunately I have not taught Roy as much sign language as I would have liked. It is harder with 2 kids on the go, and Roy is more eager to explore than pay attention to watching me sign a lot of the time. I am doing a bit more of it now. The GP who gave us the script for the antibiotics said Roy's right ear was in a terrible state, and that we might have to get grommets re-done. Signing will help Roy a lot if his hearing is poor, so it is worth pursuing. I am being a lot more conscious of reading into his left ear so he'll hear me better.