Roy is doing so well. His appointment with the cardiologist went better than we expected.
In the space of a week he's been weaned off all his heart meds. Roy is MUCH more settled so its either the Zantac kicking in, me going off caffine, or its coming off the captopril, either way its lovely... and a relief.
We see the cardiologist again when Roy is 6 months, and he'll have another Echo and an ECG then. He's still got a murmur now, but its much better. He is so much healthier that he no longer qualifies for the monthly RSV immunisation shots that were costing $2,500 a pop (govt funded). If he got bronchiolitis now, it would be similar to most kids getting a nasty chest infection, and not immediately life threatening. We only have to get Roy weighed as per the normal schedule which is about monthly at his age.
Otherwise, Roy is rolling over already having just turned 11 weeks. He's about to go in this photo.