Roy is now commando crawling about the place, and busy getting into everywhere. He's keen on bottom shelves & cables at the moment.
He's teething of course, and carrying a heavy cold at the moment, but he's still sticking to his blissful routine of a 11-12 hour sleep overnight and usually 2 sleeps a day. I'm also lucky that he is a fantastic eater. He is an eating machine, whatever is offered goes in.
I had his hearing checked this week, and he failed due to huge fluid build-up. He had an ear infection a few weeks ago, so we have hope it will clear on its on. We still have to see an ENT Surgeon, but they wouldn't do grommets at his age - especially with his cardiac condition. The ENT will be able to give a more thorough review of his hearing function, which the audiologist though was OK other than the fluid. He doesn't babble much which is why I got it checked. He's only saying dada dada, but you'd usually be getting more than that by 9 months.