Here is Roy when he was 1 day old.
Very fresh. Roy is now 6 weeks, and as per the last Post he had a very good report from the Cardiologist yesterday. Its very unlikely he'll need surgery. He has to stay on meds for the time being, and has to stay free of infection (away from pre-schoolers as an extra precaution) , and continue to gain weight. He is so far having no problem with the latter, and he's now 4.98 kgs! The doctor was happy with his work of breath, and although he works hard at times, like during his bath or after feeding, this is not unexpected for a heart kid. Basically he is no longer in heart failure, and all going well, he should continue to improve. What I got from the consultation was that if he continues on his current path of well-being, he should be free of meds and symptoms by the age of 5 or 6 months. Lets hope.