This blog will keep you updated on Roy.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Vive le tour

Roy is not quite right. The health nurse that visited today said that she wouldn't be surprised if we ended up in hospital over the weekend, but he is mostly OK. Ironically, he may have gained too much weight over a week, which means he might have retained fluid - a sign of heart failure. He put on 100gm in one day which is unlikely to be milk. He is a little puffy in the face. His breathing is laboured at times, but at other times it is steady enough.

The hardest thing about Roy's situation, in that he is OK, but his condition can very quickly go backwards. To look at him, you'd never know he had the slightest thing wrong with him, other than the lingering jaundice. Even the jaudice is now fairly faint. Its tough on hubby and I to know when to act, when to not act, and if you act - how do you act? Is the GP the best option? Does he need to be seen back at the cardiac ward? Should we wait another hour, or can we wait until the morning if something is not looking right?

Anyway, we're staying put, because at this stage the hospital would only have Roy in for observation, and probably poke him too many times looking for something sinister, when he might get better in a couple of days.